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Live Workshops in 2023

Health, Not Diets has been running interactive workshops for health professionals in size inclusive practice since 2014. For many of those years, Fiona Willer and Louise Adams, Clinical Psychologist, presented their Body Positive Counselling workshop around Australia, New Zealand, and online and LOVED IT. However, with the pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic and changing work and family circumstances, our training offerings have changed.

Louise Adams continues to provide clinical psychology services through her 100% body positive Flourish Kirribilli practice in Sydney, and the vibrant Untrapped community of larger-bodied women who have rejected diet culture for good.  

Fiona Willer, via Health Not Diets, now offers live, in-person and online presentations and workshops, and one-on-one size inclusive practice coaching by arrangement only.

Live Workshop Options

If your workplace, university cohort, interest group, association or group of colleagues is seeking an educational or professional development workshop, consider having Dr Fiona Willer, AdvAPD present to your group. Presentations and workshops can be in person (in Australia, New Zealand or further afield) or delivered live online via Zoom. Individual coaching is also available.

Available presentations and workshops:

  • Unpacking Weight Science
  • Understanding Weight Stigma
  • Size Inclusive Medical Practice
  • Size Inclusive Diabetes Management
  • Size Inclusive Public Health and Health Promotion

Selected course descriptions are below.

For a quote, please complete this form. Comprehensive Outlines and Learning Outcomes are included in the quote.


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Weight Inclusive Medical Practice

Both the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) now call for a 'health gain' approach rather than a 'weight loss' approach for people with a BMI greater than 30kg/m2. Their recent position statements outline the caustic effects of weight bias and stigma in medical encounters and the low likelihood of sustained behavioural weight loss for the majority of patients. Weight inclusive practice involves making medical encounters welcoming for people of all shapes and sizes, understanding how stigma and bias may affect medical practice and the behaviour of larger-bodied clients, and formulating weight-neutral management and treatment plans.

This full day, live workshop facilitated by Dr Fiona Willer (AdvAPD, PhD) will strengthen your understanding of weight inclusive practice, including conceptual and philosophical frameworks (eg Health at Every Size (HAES), Intuitive Eating etc), weight science, weight stigma and the non-diet approach. Using a participatory model, attendees will identify areas of concern in their own practice setting and develop strategies to move towards weight inclusivity, weight neutral practice and a 'body safe' environment for patients, staff and colleagues.

This content is also available in a self-paced online course.

Understanding Weight Stigma for Health Professionals

This half day, live, online course for health professionals is designed to teach you about weight bias and stigma, and how they impact the healthcare system and healthcare practice in Australia. Common myths about weight management will be unpacked and weight inclusive practice (for example using the Health at Every Size or Intuitive Eating principles or Non-Diet Approaches) will be introduced. Participants will be supported to develop a plan to reduce weight stigmatisation in their work.

Size Inclusive Public Health and Health Promotion

For many decades, public health messaging and health promotion activities have claimed that smaller body size amounts to a 'healthy' body size. While well intentioned, these messages are not supported by evidence, nor harm free for the communities they target. Size inclusive approaches, on the other hand, involve promoting health and wellbeing for all individuals, regardless of their body size or shape. This means avoiding language or practices that promote weight loss or body dissatisfaction, and instead promoting body positivity and self-acceptance. It also involves acknowledging and addressing factors that can impact a person's ability to access healthful food options and engage in physical activity. Size-inclusive public health also prioritises promoting healthful behaviours and creating supportive environments free from weight stigma while addressing broader social and environmental factors.

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